Medical Prescription Statistical Survey (MPSS)
MPSS is a medical barometer that monitors the physicians prescriptions per specialty and per diagnosis crossed by region, gender and age group. Since 2001, Sofres Liban covered about twenty specialties (such as Neurology, Psychiatry, Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology, etc.) and analyzed more than 225,000 drug prescriptions written during 100,000 consultations.
Our clients are the scientific offices of the major pharmaceutical companies.
Physicians taking part to the survey agreed to fill a booklet during one week indicating for each patient the diagnosis observed, the newly drugs prescribed, the repeated or shifted ones and the profile of the patient. Confidentiality and anonymity are fully respected (regarding responding physicians and their patients).
MPSS© results by specialty can be summarized as follows :
Geographical, gender and age distribution of prescriptions
- Drugs prescribed
- Top 25 drugs prescribed
- Drugs prescribed by geographical, gender and age group
- Diagnosis observed (National Statement)
- Drugs prescribed by diagnosis observed and reverse
- Diagnosis observed by drugs prescribed
MPSS© benefits are :
- Periodiacally reports reflecting fresh and accurate feedback of promotional campaigns among physicians
- Evaluation of the performance of the Medical Representatives in a competitive environment
- Creation of new protocols